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Whatever you think you know about Pilates,...think again.

After 2001, and the method's trademark-protection was lifted, the public began to believe that Pilates was "a rote series of floorwork moves" and "only for women"; which is the polar opposite of the spontaneous and improvisational method Joseph Pilates created over100-years ago in WWI Germany.  He coined the method "Contrology" and regardless of (gender), age, condition, experience, ...or lack of, the method was somatic, philosophical, and long-recognized for optimizing any body...& what classes you begin with don't matter.

Embracing Joseph's love of taking something hard, and making it FUN and look easy, Pilates At Play's Trisha Hatfield Graves apologizes for having no control over her irreverent, unfiltered, A.D.D. teaching style,...unchanged in 30-years...lost cause. :-)
FunFaq "Pilates" -vs- "Men": Joseph Pilates didn't allow women to practice his Method until migrating to the USA & going to work for George Ballenchine & the NY Ballet.  I've always averaged about 20% male clients, usually opting for Reformer Classes.  

Pilates Reformer? -vs- Pilates Mat?

Digital art exhibit

Group Reformer Classes

Kinky? Intimidating? Medieval-looking?  Aw sure, but guess what? Anyone can begin with Reformer without feelin' like the stinky new kid! 

There are 5 major pieces of equipment & several minor representing the epicenter of the method & referred to in Pilates-Speak as "Classical Apparatus"; the first-born being "The Reformer" (pictured L), developed to train & rehab soldiers during WWI by canniblizing a hospital bed & box-springs. The Result?
A bed-like contraption that book-ends bodies-in-motion, provides alignment & balance while flowing through an unlimited variety of core-intensive, full-body moves; plus supports, assists, & is customized to individual issues, goals & objectives. Yay, yay! 

50-Min Reformer Classes: 6 students maximum, each on spring-loaded, gliding carriages with straps, pulleys, handles & loops, flowing through series of oddly fun, yet challenging moves.  

COST: Compare to LMP.  Price based on expensive equipment & requiring a fully-certified Pilates Practitioner or Instructor with 3-6 yrs training.  

Pilates Mat

While Pilates Apparatus evolved at the turn of last century from Joseph Pilates as a young man bustin' up hospital beds & box springs to re-purpose into what he'd been envisioning as the epicenter of his method;...Pilates Mat on the other hand - while extremely important - had far more humble beginnings;...derived from moves & exercises Joseph was frequently seen frantically scribbling on random pieces of paper as "homework" for his students to independently supplement their Apparatus progress.


50-Min Pilates Mat:  No two classes are ever the same,...good for your brain & body!  We provide everything; Pilates Mats (1/5" thick), Therabands, Leg & Arm Springs @ea wall-station, Stretchy Loops, Magic-Circles, Small & Large Balls, Foam-Rollers, Giant Rubberbands,... Prepare to have FUN & be forgiving while your body figures things out!

COST:  Less than Reformer. Same Full-Cert required to keep you safe, while allowing your body to figure it out. 

Digital art exhibit


219 Legion Way SW, #202

Olympia, WA 98501
American Legion Bldg secured by Keyless Entry.

Access Pincode provided on Receipt of Purchase



Texts Only Please


Hours of Operation based on class schedules

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